Bridge Strikes
The second topic in this section describes precautions to be taken against bridge-strikes. Again, these pieces of advice are common sense but your examiner will want to hear them just the same.
Every vehicle that has a travelling height of more than 10 ft must display a height indicator in the cab – your examiner may ask you to show them where the height indicator is in the vehicle.
If there is any doubt about the height of their vehicle, the driver must measure it – this would be necessary in the case of a low-loader used to transport plant equipment, and for any other non-standard load.
Maps that show the height of bridges must be used when planning a route.
Satnavs should be programmed to find routes that are safe for the height of the load – bridge-strikes occur every year because the driver is following the instructions of satnavs that are intended for cars.
Be alert for height restrictions while driving – even though a route has been carefully planned, the driver’s vigilance is the last line of defence against a bridge-strike. The driver should be aware of the height of their vehicle and be alert to double check signage when approaching bridges.
Summon assistance in the event of a bridge strike – Contact police and the railway authority using details on the bridge ID plate – if a bridge does not have an ID plate, the driver should describe his location to the police.